During the lockdown in the Eastern provinces of austria (Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgendland) police plan to step up compliance with Corona measures. Exit controls and focus operations are planned.
From Thursday, 0 o’clock, the Easter lockdown applies in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. The police will be on duty nationwide over the holidays with 4,500 officers per day. There will be increased controls, especially in the eastern region. There may be focal actions at neuralgic points, such as places where many people gather in a confined space.
Exits from the eastern region will be “controlled on a fluctuating basis,” according to the Interior Ministry. This means that checks on the road network along the federal state borders can be expected at any time. As always at Easter, there are focus controls. Compliance with the Covid measures will also be checked. Violations can result in fines of up to 1,450 euros or four weeks in jail.
- source: orf.at and heute.at/picture: pixabay.com
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